Want to Make the Most of the Blessings
Available for 2016 Wesak?
I did my first Wesak journey meditation over 25 years ago with Rev. Terri Newlon of the Djwhal Khul/Alice Bailey lineage. I was so enraptured by the time I spent with the spiritual shepherds of the Earth (The Buddha, Christ, Djwhal Khul, and so on), that I returned to the Wesak Valley again and again during the Wesak Festival. Creating a sacred container and journeying to Mt. Kailash and then on to the valley has given me many transcendent experiences on my path. I’ve never felt so loved, understood, nurtured, guided, celebrated, and supported. What’s even better is that I bring these feelings back to physical reality with me!
So What is Wesak?
Wesak is a festival that is celebrated during the full moon in May by Buddhists everywhere, since ancient times. People trek through the Himalayan Mountains to gather for fellowship, celebration, and sharing in the Wesak Valley. Between the full moon in May and the full moon in June, the Buddha and other “older brothers and sisters on the path” come into form reality to meet with each other and the people who have come to the Wesak Valley to discuss the coming year. At this time, those who wish to present ideas of how they can best serve the highest and best for Mother Earth and All Her Children can present these concepts, and they can receive guidance, help, and support. If, in the end, an individual wants to commit to their World Service, then their service is blessed.
The Buddha returns to the non-physical where he practices on behalf of all suffering beings on the planet at the June full moon (the Festival of Mankind). Before he leaves, he goes to the horse-shoe shaped end of the valley, where there is water trickling down a rock into a small depression and blesses the water for the year. Many come with whatever containers they can manage and take this holy, medicinal water back to their homes and villages. This will be their community’s medicine for the year.
How Do I Get There?
I love journey meditations, because traveling outside the boundaries of time and space is only limited by what you can imagine. So, I set up a sacred container. Since my background is Indigenous Ceremony, I will clear and then set up a sacred space with representatives of the Sacred Elements, Directions, and Realms. I usually will do a cleansing bath as well as smudge, put on an outfit that makes me feel like a Queen, pick out some great music that gels with where I’m vibing, lay down a sacred circle, and call the Directions to hold the boundaries of this space. I play the music softly in the background, usually putting the song on a loop, remembering to start the music before I close the circle. At that point I just notice what’s going on around me, how my body is settling, whatever there is to notice. Then, I let my mind drift into imaging some sort of a vehicle that I’ll use to travel to the Wesak Valley. I’ve used boats, planes, space ships, magic carpets. I let whatever is appropriate just bubble up. I think my favorite was a cross between a Viking ship and a space ship!!! It didn’t go high off the ground, so I could see various countries as I passed them by. That was fun.
Since my intention to travel to the Wesak Valley is so strong, I really just observe how I get there and don’t make heavy weather out of the process. Each time the journey is a little different, and I’ve enjoyed them all. I, however, think my favorite path is through the Hall of Mirrors in Shambhala. When I get there, Shambhala feels so much like home, and I often stop for a moment and visit well-loved members of my soul family who live there.
You’ll probably see Mt. Kailash and other parts of the Himalayans just before you get to the Sacred Valley. As I ground once I’ve arrived, I’ve seen wonderful things — people feasting with the Holy Ones, small group teachings, large group teachings, Yoga and QiGong being practiced, sacred dancing, geometric line dancing, people sleeping in tents, healings being performed, women gathering for tea and gossip, and the Buddha meeting with the Christ and the Manu at the curve of the horse shoe, before Buddha returns to his meditations. Whatever you experience during this journey will be perfect for you. I know one time I just met with my root master, and I just remember his smile and looking into his eyes.
The Importance of Wesak
Spring is the beginning of the New Year for everyone outside of Western culture. The three full moon festivals are a time when you can really connect with your non-physical in its many different guises and ask for the information, help, and support you need for the coming year. For me, it’s really a homecoming. I see members of my soul family that I normally wouldn’t access in ordinary reality. The connection and love nourish and sustain me. And, I can tell you that when you bow your head before the Buddha to be anointed with sacred water as your spiritual family looks on, it is an experience that you will remember forever.
Setting aside time for the sacred, the non-physical is an important part of transcending stuck identity and becoming more authentic. There’s also the health benefits of meditation to consider.
Hope you will join us in the Wesak Valley this year. I plan on being part of the dancing, something I rarely have time for in the hustle and bustle of life!!! Namaste!!!
Great explanation. I can really see it.
Deb, thanks for commenting! Appreciate it!
Now that we things are normalizing from Tolen’s Dad’s funeral, I’ve had time to come back and see what’s going on on TJ.
Love ya, My Friend!