I’ve really enjoyed the trend in movies where film makers have revisioned super hero movies. I especially enjoy Iron Man. He’s so quirky and applies his genius to produce unique out-of-the-box creations. Iron Man really connects with me.
Are You a Super Hero in Disguise?
We are born into this world fully loaded with all the gifts, talents, abilities, resources, skills, and connections to live our own unique brand of genius and contribute to life. Why is it that only a few seem to be able to actualize their heart’s desire and have the experiences they were born to live?
Let me give you an example. I was on the phone with one of my dearest friends, and he shared a great story which is on topic. He noticed a young boy in his neighborhood, and given that my friend is an amazing teacher, he paid attention to this young man. One evening the boy and his Mom were walking in the neighborhood, the youngster about 10 feet behind his Mom. My friend went up to him and explained how to do a hand stand and walk on his hands to his Mom. The child said, “I can’t do that.” My friend said, “Of course you can. I just told you how. So, do it.” With that, the boy did a hand stand and walked on his hands 9 feet toward his Mom. When the young man got close to his Mom, she looked at him and said, “You can’t do that.” Immediately, the child fell on the ground. Then, my friend felt this wave of understanding go out to the Mother and child, and a light bulb went off for her. She said, “Oh, my gosh, I just programmed my son to fail.”
Does Your Programming Cancel Your Super Hero Powers?
We have mammalian physiology, so we like to gather in groups and physically connect. That’s why groups have so much influence on us – our birth and extended families, teachers and students we study with, church members, our bosses and co-workers, politicians and other famous people. If we encouraged each other to be authentic and use our unique Super Hero Powers wisely, miraculous living would result. Unfortunately, we are toned down, tuned out, and tapped out from the beginning of our social experience, because influencers tell us we are TOO LOUD, TOO QUIET, TOO JOYOUS, TOO DEPRESSED, TOO BOISTEROUS, TOO CALM, TOO FAST, TOO SLOW, TOO SMART, TOO STUPID, …. This negative reinforcement teaches us to disguise our beingness, and since criticisms abound, we eventually drop our Super Hero Powers and disguise ourselves so that we fit in. Living a lie about who you are is very painful, and lack of acceptance and allowance often leads to addiction. So instead of living as a community of awakened geniuses, each with their own unique contribution, most people are dumbed down, totally asleep, and allow a few to control their lives.
Become the Super Hero You Meant to Be
Because the programs we run have been repeated for years, they are strong. It takes discipline to watch your thinking, emotions, and behavior so that you know when you are having an authentic experience or when you are running a program. Fortunately, you were given a miraculous tool that accurately lets you know 100% of the time whether you are being authentic or disguised – your body! If you are feeling pain, your posture is contracting, your eyes are down, you have a queezy stomach, you are running a program. Conversely, if you feel bright and light, your posture is expanding (chin up, chest pushed forward), your eyes are up, and you have a feeling of warmth in your tummy, you are being authentic.
So, what do you do when you find you are running a program? Simply start asking questions like:
“Who does this belong to? Who does this pain belong to? Who does this uncomfortability belong to? Who do these thoughts belong to? Who do these feelings belong to?”
The simplest and most powerful truths have been repeated many times.
Jesus said, “Ask….”
So, keep asking questions. Don’t wait for an answer. Just, “Ask.” When you start asking questions about your program, you interrupt it. When you interrupt a program often enough, your brain will start rewiring the program out of your standard responses. This will give you an opportunity to choose a more authentic pattern.
Join me in awakening your genius and become the Super Hero you meant to be. I look forward to hearing about your Transcendent Journey. Please leave a comment.