Congruence and Authenticity

In this chaotic world we get conflicting information every day. Who should we trust? How do we discern whether someone is telling us the truth or not? You have “an onboard BS meter” that recognizes congruence and authenticity. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is an amazing example of the difference between […]
My Commitment to My World

I write this post with an understanding that there is a difference between objective reality (God’s reality which we can better view from the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies and higher) and subjective reality (in the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies, where we live every day and experience the polarity play). With this acknowledgement, I am taking […]
Choose: Sovereign or Serf

For many years, all the information that has come to me, either through the Seen or the Unseen, has indicated a capstone experience for humanity which ushers in a Planetary Awakening. The time for this climax is upon us, and the United States is the first geographical location where realities coalesce and culminate into two […]
Remain in Your Center with The Great Invocation

I am going to give you a very powerful tool to help you stay focused on your own unique Divine Source Connection with the Infinite and the good that flows from that awareness, The Great Invocation. This is why I told you in last week’s post, Spiritual Propaganda, that there are people out there who […]
Spiritual Propaganda

Every day we hear from both sides of the political fence that we are victims of propaganda and that if we are not careful, we will lose our ability to discern and critically think. But, did you ever stop to consider that this is not just a physical realm challenge? Have you ever contemplated the […]
Lie 2: Finding Your Soul Mate Will Complete You

Let’s talk about why believing that finding your soul mate will complete you is a lie. We all have beliefs that limit our awareness and, therefore, what we can create and experience. People who are in the direct flow of Divine have very few opinions about what is good or bad for them. They, therefore, […]
If You Want to Thrive, Do Not Listen to Lies

One of the challenges that makes thriving in these times of chaotic change so difficult is the rate of information thrown at you. Discernment seems tough when opinions fly at you faster and faster, especially since no one agrees about facts or interpretations. But, if you want to be one of the people that not […]
Replenish My Body and Soul

Hungry for More of You? Find the Satisfaction You Are Seeking. When you ask yourself to be more authentic, everything that is not authentic about you comes up for observation and choice. That’s true for me, and if you, too, are walking toward remembering your Oneness with all life, then it’s probably true for you, […]