A Primer on the Word

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light […]
Divining through Synchronicity and Discernment

As I was surfing for information resources this morning, I was inspired to watch one of Magenta Pixie‘s latest videos, “Divining through Synchronicity.” In the video she talked about, “bibliomancy.” Essentially, this process is using your intuition to go through an index, reading list, etc. to answer a question you have. Whatever you are inspired […]
Innovation: Key to Success in Uncertain Times

Continuing to share ways to thrive during chaotic times, John Wright of Bee Wild and I both were guided to share how you can be more successful in uncertain times through innovation. John’s willingness to innovate has kept his business successful during a very trying year and is one example of the benefits of innovation […]
Sovereignty and Your Akashic Record

If you have learned nothing else so far in the Transcendent Journey process, please be aware that reality is very plastic. Nothing is written in stone. Your life can always change for the better with a little conscious effort. That is why understanding that Sovereignty and your Akashic Record are connected is so important. As […]
Practical Tips for Living through Uncertain Times

Many of you aren’t old enough to remember a time when there was no internet, grocery stores, or online shopping. Since I was born early enough to remember the time before technology when we still lived happy, fulfilling lives, I thought today is a good time to give you practical tips for living through uncertain […]
Form Reality and Balanced Light Quotient

Let’s talk about the relationship between form reality and a balanced light quotient so that you better understand your current adventure. As I share in almost every class I teach as well as in many posts I’ve written, such as, “Spiritual Propaganda,” the gift of living in a physical universe on a planet in form […]
Hacking Daily Rituals

I originally wrote this blog for Dr. Carolyn Dean’s blog. Since we all develop habits, I want to encourage you to choose those habits that support and reinforce your gains. So, I offer you this updated version of the blog, Hacking Daily Rituals. Update of Hacking Daily Rituals Good evening! Melody-Rose here. I’m writing on […]
Manage Energy – A Quick Guide

Our natural state is to have plenty of Energy. We are designed to acquire enough energy so that we use energy in a balanced way and story energy for a rainy day. So, why do most people experience energy depletion, walking around like zombies when they should be living large like the Energizer Bunny? Could […]