Disclosure – The Truth Is OUT (there)!

A few random thoughts about disclosure. Who knew the dots we saw decades ago actually did connect? Recalling Our First Touch-In with Disclosure My roomie of over 30 years, who has walked the Spiritual Path along side me, and I had an interesting conversation the other day. When we first met, we were so certain […]
Do You Want to Be Free?

Everyone wants to be, do, and have more. Everyone wants their loved ones to be, do, and have more. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they experienced. So, what’s stopping you? What’s stopping your loved ones? Do you want to be free? Is the next thing out of your mouth […]
Do You Want to Thrive during Chaos?

Amidst the suffering we see in the world health situation, there is much to learn. So, I would like to share my views on what I am seeing and how I apply those perceptions to growing and prospering. Remember more billionaires were made during the Great Depression than at any other time. What did they […]
Berkeley or Berlin

What Is Happening to Our Youth? The comparison in these photos still haunts me – Berkeley or Berlin? The similarity is even more cutting after I read this article by a woman who lived in Germany during the Nazi Regime: http://ijr.com/2017/02/797086-youve-heard-people-compare-trump-to-hitler-so-we-asked-a-woman-who-was-born-in-nazi-germany/ That’s why I’m reprising a post I put on Facebook in the hopes that […]
America Healing Codependency

The Theme for This Election – America Healing Codependency So, I’ve been ranting since the Candidate Debates, and I’ve had some interesting conversations with people. I’m one of the people in my generation who no longer recognizes the America I live in as the place I grew up to respect. But, I also dig below […]
Total Meltdown

Want to Create a Better World? Allow a Total Meltdown After watching the events of the last month, I decided to hang out with a friend from the Michael Soul Family. We had the privilege of talking to one of the Grandmothers of the Michael Council. This week I’ll be writing a few posts about […]
Message for the Michaels

For Our Soul Family: Message for the Michaels I AM Michael. I come to you as representative of the Michaels, the soul family from which all the Michaels flow. I have come to you before as a spokesperson and messenger, and it is my intention to continue to connect with our soul family as we […]
Politics and Programming

Where Will You Focus? Politics and Programming The last few weeks have been eye-opening for me, as I’ve sat with my BFF and watched takeover of the political process by people who know how to manipulate the media and through them the public. I’ve felt anger, frustration, rage, judgment, incredulity, hopelessness, and grief as I […]