A Twelfth Night Gift

Tonight we celebrate the twelfth holy day of the Christmas Season, the Epiphany. The Magi, the three wise men from Persia, visited the Christ Child bringing him gifts of great value and honor gold, frankincense, myrrh. Several years ago I heard Richard Gere share a practice given to him by HH Dalai Lama. For a […]
Morning Prayer

I felt so connected this morning and brought that connection with me to my skype prayer group. This is the morning prayer that flowed from that connection today. Wendy Samuels, my heart sister, of The Story Stones kindly shared her photo and put together the graphics. Just had to share this with you. It so […]
Every Day People Create Miracles
I just watched a recording of “Healing in the Heartland” and was inspired to write this post about every day people creating miracles. I believe that shifting to being an empowered co-creator of miracles is natural for human beings but that most people only make this shift for a compelling reason. The Moore, Oklahoma tornado […]