Voice Dialogue with Your Future Self

The Exercise Time is an organizational tool as you experience physical feedback for the choices you make. It is a benchmark that you can use to see how: committed you are to your choice close a match you are to living that chosen reality and much energy it is going to take for you to […]
Summer Solstice 2014 Teaching

Summer Solstice 2014 Teaching: Medicine Wheels, Altars, Vision Boards Summer Solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, began at 6:50 a.m. edt this morning. The next few days are great times to check in with what you would like to experience during the 2014-15 cyclical year. The Summer Solstice […]
Need Healing and Have No Money

What Do You Do When You Need Healing and Have No Money? A few weeks ago a friend of mine was in tears because she needed supplements and didn’t have the money to buy them. Since she is doing food and supplement healing for a serious chronic health condition, it’s a real big deal for […]
Lighten Up

Holidays Are So Much More Fun when You Lighten Up! I had the opportunity to preview some of the chapters for Wendy Samuels’ new book, and while reading one of these poignant stories I identified with her character who was so very busy. I realized how I feel so much overwhelm during the holiday season. […]
On Smudging

Why Does Smudging Work? With all the transformational energies, openings, and patterns in play, how can we stay in balance? Many of us, especially those, like me, who haven’t always made self-care a priority may have challenges come up. Rebalancing may take the form of “ascension symptoms” like nerve and cell shaking, pain, dizziness, different […]
Your Soul/Body Connection
Are You Friends with Your Body? On the spiritual path, many of us seem to focus on external factors as a measure of how successful our journey is. I remember the first time I worked for a psychic hotline, the manager told me, “Don’t be surprised. All folks are going to ask you is “When […]
What Is Tessera?

On the Edge of Eden – First Visit to My Tessera My Introduction to Adam King, Solfeggios, and Tessera I’ve been listening to Adam King‘s music and solfeggios (sacred frequencies) for about 8 weeks now. I first was introduced to Adam King on You Wealth Revolution. Because he appeared to be a […]
Want Enlightenment? Daily Practice.

Why Should I Develop a Daily Practice? Strengthening your awareness of your connection to Divine is integral to your spiritual growth and development. In fact, that awareness is foundational for shifting from fear to love-based emotions, raising your vibrations, and improving the quality of actualizing your heart’s desire. That is why creating a daily practice […]