Let’s Honor Our Mother
It’s been a busy week spinning plates, as I have four or five projects in progress. But, I didn’t want to miss the possibility to celebrate Earth Day with you. Honoring our Earth Mother is not just something I talk about. It’s a way of life that can begin with small honoring acts. For example, I pray in gratitude for the plants, animals, and minerals who provide my body food, before I eat. I also make every effort to buy organic, seasonal, local foods and support the Real Food Movement and the local economy. I do these acts because they support what I care about. Honorment, as my Elders say, can enter into every facet of our daily lives, from the sublime to the mundane. After all, our lives are our ceremonies.
In my alter writing ego, Organic Mountains’ QueenBee, I shared three other simple green actions that you can consider taking, from the most active to one that you can do from your arm chair. So, I would like to celebrate Earth Day by sharing QueenBee’s Earth Day post with you: http://organicmountains.com/celebrate-earth-day/.
You can be the change you want to see in the world, by taking one positive action every day. These positive inputs done from an intention of honor and gratitude ripple out into the world. Then, look for the little positive things that occur all around you all of the time, write them down in your gratitude journal, and you will begin to see the ocean of love and goodness move more fully into your life.
I'm with you, sister. Every day to me is Earth day. I planted some seeds yesterday, and have my spring garden well under way. Lots of good suggestions in your links. It's really about the little things. I think one of the easiest things we all can do is carry around a reusable water bottle and filter our water at hone. People used to look at me funny when I would pull out my empty bottle at the airport. Now some airports have water bottle filling stations, so we're slowly getting there.