Reclaiming Myself
It’s funny how life always comes back full circle. That every relationship, every circumstance continues to point you back to you, to retrieving some part of your uniqueness; to reclaiming your personal energy and focus. So, it’s no great mystery that every Divine connection, revelation, principle, process, and tool that would help you with your reclamation presents itself over and over until you understand that these are yours to use, that they will help you remember more and more about who you are and why you have undertaken this transcendent journey. Once you open this flow and remember that you are the hollow reed through which Source plays its symphony of creation, you’ll understand that there is nowhere else to be. You are here, now.
It might be hard for you to believe that these revelations occurred while I was cleaning out my gmail account. I have had my current gmail since 2008 and had never bothered to delete most of the emails. Gmail sent me a lovely message, asking me to do so. Back I went to the very beginning of this account, never believing that by sorting through emails, secrets of the universe would be divulged.
2008 was a new beginning for me. I successfully had supported my body healing from most of the effects of electrocution over the past 8 years. I was out of the wheelchair, off the walker, and leaving the house under my own steam for the first time in years. I had spent the year studying for teacher certification with an offshoot group from A Course in Miracles and had acquired a working spiritual partner and started a counseling and teaching practice with him. It was interesting to see the emails that flew back and forth between us, especially since my partner has all but disappeared from my life.
Then, there was all the time I spent corresponding with expert internet marketing teachers. Even when I first started connecting with seekers on my ACIM Gather Friday night show in those days, I had already suspected that communicating with people who were geographically remote to me would be important. But, who knew how many times I would go back to what these experts had taught me, that the lessons learned would serve me and people I care about so well?
I continue this review of the connections I’ve made in the past, sorting through those precious exchanges. In the process, I’ve been inspired to release many old relationships and sever the energy connections that held us together, even after we physically had moved on. I’ve reclaimed parts of myself that continued to watch these circumstances from afar, lest they repeat. I’ve felt led to reconnect with people who brought their own unique richness into my life. The sorting continues.
Isn’t that how it is with life? If we steadfastly refuse to judge our preferences, we become sorters of experience. We put our attention on what we enjoy and intend to experience more, and when we complete our sojourn into suffering, we remove our ties to circumstances we no longer benefit from. Without our energy feeding them, the players just go on their merry way, looking for other banquets to feed from.
I feel so blessed that I can share this part of my journey with you. Sharing from the perspective of real choice is so much more joyful than coaching people how to get the best results from living in separation. I look forward to walking with you for as long as we are together. Now, the great adventure begins!!!!
Resonating here SO much with all you wrote. I am STILL letting go of the old story and vibrating myself into the new one with angelic help, Divine Mother help, any help I can get! Please pray that my "players just go on there merry way." !!!! Lovin you from here
That sounds like such an exciting adventure to happen into a "diary" of your life 7 or 8 years ago. It made me take a little journey through time and remember the time you came to my (then) house in Stone Mountain to play Clariy.