What It Means to Be
Divine’s Beloved Children
No matter how old we are or our circumstances in life, we are all Divine’s Beloved Children, created out of unconditional love. If we are as alike as I think we are, we often forget this and stop the process of coming into the kingdom (of heaven on earth) as a little child. We are conditioned that there is something wrong with contrast (when your current experience is different than the one you imagined) and that being a responsible adult and forcing what is into being something it is not is our job as a mature human beings. No wonder adults find so little real joy in life. After all, who wants to take an overdrawn bank account and force it into solvency after one borrows money from their emergency funds that is not easily replaced? That doesn’t feel too good, right?
The Attitude of Divine’s Beloved Children
What if the issue isn’t the experience itself? What if the challenge is adopting a more childlike attitude toward experiences, whether the circumstances are in alignment with or contrast of your vision?
So, let’s think about experience from a child’s point of view. First, until they are conditioned away from their inner knowing, children are sovereigns of their world. Where they are is their domain to command. They know in their hearts that what they see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is their creation. They demand and command for reality to conform to their wishes. After all, they haven’t yet forgotten that they are Divine’s beloved children, heirs to the kingdom. Who hasn’t seen their child dress up as the prince or princess they truly are and wave their scepter, commanding their followers to bring them everything they desire? What loving royal parent would deny them anything?
Children also are masters of moving from one experience to another, without getting stuck. One moment they are running through the grass. Then, they are stumbling on a root and falling. The next they are crying in surprise. As you move to pick them up, they are already smiling and getting up to continue running. This holding lightly to experiences and allowing for rapid change give children their resilience.
Children are curious by nature. They ask a lot of questions, in fact, are more interested in asking questions and exploring than in having someone else answering. If someone asks a child to try something new, he or she doesn’t give a million reasons why this project is doomed to failure. They begin asking questions, “What if…?” “How could we…?” “What’d be like…?” “Do you think we could…?” Because children’s curiosity is so strong, they keep the energy flowing by asking questions and keep moving toward acquiring a new experience.
Children are focused on what they want. They keep asking for what they want. They don’t see rules that stop them from having what they want. They want something. They ask for it. They inherently know that as heirs to the kingdom, their wishes are their commands.
While they wait for their wishes to be granted, they have fun enjoying what is. They might want that ice cream cone from the vendor on the other end of the park, but unhindered by parental judgment, they’ll enjoy the slide in front of them while they wait for the ice cream to appear.
If a child experiences contrast, they naturally express their distaste and move on. They don’t blame someone for the contrast. They don’t figure out why they experience contrast. They don’t carry around the contrast in a big bag they sling over their shoulder and talk to anyone who will listen about the reasons why the contrast was unfair, undeserved punishment. They express their feelings, move through the experience, and say , “Yucky. Not doing that again. Let’s try….” and off they go.
Conversely, if a child likes an experience, they want to repeat it again and again. Who hasn’t had their child say, “Let’s go on the the roller coaster again and again? It was so much fun!!!”
You Are Divine’s Beloved Children
Whether you are 1 month or 100 years old and every age in between, you are still the valued child of a royal parent who loves you and wants you to populate your world with enriching experiences. Everything else you believe is your circumstances seen through the distorted lens of worldly programming. That is why the Christ declared, “I was sent into the world, I AM not of it.” Your connection with Divine is forever. It is never broken or distorted. It is clean, clear, pure, and whole. Whether you perceive this connection and experience flow is dependent on how willing you are to enter the kingdom here and now as a little child.
Photo Courtesy of Jesus the Desire of Ages 2014