I’ve been working on changing my programmed habit of confirming “Either/Or” (exclusion) reality when I’m not aware of my connection to God in All Life. After all I could just as easily create a “Yes/And” (inclusive) reality that I would enjoy more. It never ceases to amaze me that in this fast-paced world, I unconsciously choose to give energy to realities that I don’t want to live in. I would like to talk about this dynamic today, with the intention that this sharing process will help us all.
In January 1% for the Planet asked members to make an #OathofAction to benefit the environment. I am sure they thought that our core family would make an oath about recycling or some other environmentally forward practice. I think we must have surprised them because this is the oath we pledged to fulfill:
In our Oath we stated our heart-felt knowing that there is a scenario out there where a healthy environment is supported AND good jobs, that people want to work at, can be created and maintained. We know that we only need ask empowering questions, like “how can…?” and “what would it take for…?” to begin the actualization of our desire. Then, our only job is to relax and allow the Universe to provide us with what we have asked for and follow our inspirations, if we have any. But I can tell you that practicing, “Ask and you shall receive,” isn’t always the first behavior that pops up. This is what happened yesterday, when we were discussing the environment.
Environment Or/And Jobs
I was at a meeting and found myself passionately advocating for allowing the coal miners to be who they are – coal miners. I find it quite ridiculous that in order to protect the environment people who often espouse the “free to be me” concept think it’s okay to limit and control everything that may impact the environment. And, it seems to me that some even rationalize that it is perfectly okay for thousands of coal miners to be out of work and unable to support their families today so that someone in the future can live life in a particular way.
Others seem to think retraining these men and moving them from their homes so that they can work in offices in the big city is a small price for the coal miners to pay so that someone else can be happy on Earth. So, I asked what I see as fundamental questions, “Why should we ask coal miners who love and want to be coal miners to retrain to be “office workers,” when that is not who they are?” “What gives us the right to ask someone to change their way of life and ignore who they are, so we feel better about what is happening on the planet?” “Is it really okay for me to free to be me, but it’s not okay for you to be free to be you when I don’t agree with who are you and what you are doing?” To me, this is the height of “either/or” and is misunderstanding of the power human beings were given as creators of their own experience.
Ask and You Shall Receive
We are either children of the Divine or we are not. There’s no sometimes we are, and sometimes we are not. So, if we claim sonship, then we, having been made in Divine’s image, are creators. So, why is it so hard to imagine a reality where those who love the environment easily and joyfully protect the environment while their brother/sister coal miners find happiness mining coal? If there is no limit to Divine’s creative capacity, then why is it that we accept limits to our own creativity?
I think it’s because we are programmed to believe it’s good to judge/jump to conclusions. When we were kids, we were rewarded for coming to the “right” conclusions in school. But, what’s fundamental, and no secret, is that “asking” is the key to receiving. So, why don’t we ask more questions? Why aren’t we willing to entertain broadening our creativity by imagining and asking for realities not yet experienced?
I’m as guilty of this behavior as anyone else at times. Since I almost always will root for the underdog, it’s easy for me to advocate for allowing coal miners authentic expression. After watching the liberal program running for many of my brothers and sisters, it’s not as easy for me to allow the violence, hate speak, and “my way or the highway” judgments. But, what’s really true is if I want to live in a world where I want to be free to be me, then I have to allow you to live in a world where you are free to be you. Relaxing and allowing may not be easy when my conditioning is clashing with someone else’s. Yet, that’s the time when I most need to stop myself and start asking questions. At the very least, I could ask, “How could this feel better?” When I stop the loop of my conditioning and ask questions, I actually feel better because I’m realigning my awareness to Divine. It certainly gives me more space to create from, too.
To this day, I love the movie, Harold and Maude, so I end this post by sharing Cat Steven’s wisdom n, “If You Want to Sing Out, sing Out” (the theme song from Harold and Maude):
If more people embraced “Live and Let Live” the hatred, separatism etc would create a shift in love and endearment that could change the world.
Thank you Melody-Rose for a very nice piece on tolerance.
As always, Doug, thanks for your support. It’s good to have friends on the journey!