Celebrating You –
Happy New Year
As this year comes to a close, be with your experience for a moment. With its ups and downs and everything in between, you are still here. That means you have viable choices to explore. During this exploration, if there were one thing I would gift you with, it’s more authentic joy in your experiences. Fortunately, you can choose this, no matter what is going on around you!
So, when choices come in front of you, stop a moment and breath. Don’t go to your favorite automatic response in a situation. Ask questions out loud, like “How could this be more fun?” “What would it be like if…?” “What would it take to…?” And, if a contradicting voice comes up, giving you the negative scoop on your circumstances, ask, “Who does this belong to?” Don’t wait for the answers to these questions to be spoken immediately. The Universe will answer in its own time.
In fact, you know the Universe appreciates good questions. Questions open up possibilities, they open up space. With more room, there’s more flow. That’s why all the great masters have said the same thing the Christ said over 2,000 years ago, “Ask, and you shall receive.”
So, let 2016 be a year of questions, a year of wonder, for when the Universe’s responses to your questions start showing up, it has been my experience that what arrives is so much better than what I’ve asked for. I know this can happen for you, too.
Happy New Year. May your days be filled with joy beyond anything you have yet imagined.
P.S. Isn’t this a cool video? https://youtu.be/6uv-GVNVVbo