What Are You Doing with Your Time?
I’ve been waiting to write this post until the energy perculated, assimilated, and I had something useful to say. During the last few weeks, when I mostly have been offline, I have reflected quite a bit. I thought I’d share my progress with you.
The Factual Situation
Two years in a row, at the end of October my heart rhythm became funky. Last year I was in the hospital while doctors monitored the situation. This year I have an at-home heart monitor. In both cases, I started paying much more attention to taking care of myself than I did in fixing problems. In both cases, my heart rhythm started to even out around Thanksgiving. I did not create a significant meaning or story about this, because it is my sincere heart’s desire for wellness in its many glorious forms. If I give the circumstances meaning, it will be much more difficult to change the pattern.
Wealth – Time vs. Dollars?
I was listening to Bob Neveritt on Achieve Radio this past week during his marathon, and the subject came up about wealth. I really pondered an idea Bob introduced – is your wealth really dollars or is it time? Wow, that concept was an eye opener.
For me, I have to say that time in this dimension of reality has meaning. We use time to follow the cycles on the planet and in the universe – seasons, day, night, and so on. In our understanding, time is lost; it cannot be replaced. Too, timing often drives choice making — I hear myself say, “If this doesn’t get done now, it won’t get done.”
Dollars are transitory. I hear of many wealthy people, like Donald Trump, who have made millions, lost millions, and remade millions. If we spend our money, it always seems to get replaced somehow. Money just flows in and out for most people in the West.
Given this line of thinking, I would have to say for me, time has a great deal of value. After all I’m 61 years old. I would like to continue to have an exciting, interesting, vibrant, mobile, vital life for a very long time.
So How Do You Spend Your Time?
My usual pattern is to take care of others before I take care of myself. That’s family programming. My mother became mentally ill when I was young, and my father worked long hours. I took up the slack, and that program runs unconsciously. In the past this habit has extended to many activities that I do to help others, that I wouldn’t do otherwise.
The other questions I have asked myself are, “Are you going to spend your time correcting what is wrong or making moves to create the life would enjoy and appreciate?” “Do you want to fix the old, broken world or do you want to create heaven on earth?” Jesus put the answer to these questions so gracefully, “No one can serve two masters.” Matthew 6:24
Unfortunately, that’s what I’ve been trying to do – to have one foot in the “what’s wrong and fix it camp” (when I work on the anti-GMO campaign, solve other people’s problems, research for others when they could do so for themselves ) and the other foot in the “contribute to creating heaven on earth camp” (when I follow my muse and write, sing, paint rocks, make collages, build altars and medicine wheels…). For me, these are two distinct energies. Fixing focuses me on analyzing circumstances and comparing them to memories and puts me into either/or choice making. I really feel the limits of time when I fix things. Creating heaven on earth puts me in the neutral zone where energy flows now, now, now, now, and I am an unlimited creator of my own moments. I can choose to be in one mode or the other; trying to maintain both simultaneously rips my body apart.
Gratitude to My Body for a Replay of This Pattern
I have to hand it to my body. Putting me in the position of being in bed with my feet on my earthing pad gives me time to review my behavior. In turn, this helps me make conscious choices instead of running unconscious programming. What I’ve learned from this replay is that I am worth taking care of, and what I authentically create has real value. I can drop the habitual conditioning of taking care of everyone but me by simply forgiving everyone and unpluggjng from the past.
How I Handle Time Matters
How I work with time matters. I can slave away, noticing every second ticking away, taking care of others because I’m repeating family conditioning. Or, I can be in the flow of energy, in a timeless place where expansion occurs, expressing my true gifts just because.
Thank you so much for this….it is so full of compassionate wisdom, and resonates with me as truth…..I love the phrase "unplugging from the past" …I feel myself doing it as I type.