Why Does Smudging Work?
With all the transformational energies, openings, and patterns in play, how can we stay in balance? Many of us, especially those, like me, who haven’t always made self-care a priority may have challenges come up. Rebalancing may take the form of “ascension symptoms” like nerve and cell shaking, pain, dizziness, different perceptions, forgetfulness, spaciness, and so on. Many of these symptoms are stressful, so what can we do to support our body and its connections to our energy field?
Nature Is in Balance
If we look for a role model of balance, all we have to do is walk outside our front or back door. Nature is a perfect example of balance – bringing extremes back into balance expending the least amount of energy. What does “in balance” mean?
I’ve been on several conference calls with and have been studying the website of Kaitlyn Keit (http://vibesup.com). Kaitlyn has a relationship with Nature that is very similar to my long-time favorite teacher, Machaelle Small Wright of http://perelandra-ltd.com. I really like Kaitlyn’s approach to maintaining balance and would like to share one of her latest videos with you. It is worth watching in its entirety, as you will learn much about energy, grounding, and balance.
What Does Smudging Have to Do with Balance?
Essentially, what Kaitlyn and other energy experts say is that most people are dominated by the masculine side of the energy equation. Westerners tend toward valuing technology over nature, analysis over intuition, acting over receiving, and so on. This emphasis is out of balance, because at the ionic level of energy our lives should evidence a 5:8 ratio of masculine to feminine ions. So, what we should see in our lives is almost twice as much time spent in nature, use of intuition, and comfort within quiet times when our body is receiving. What we normally see is that most people stay indoors, analyze information and ignore their intuition, and believe their value is tied to their activity.
Indigenous Peoples, after Europeans came to their lands, identified these imbalances and went out in nature looking for a plant who could help them rebalance their energy by adding feminine and clearing over-active masculine ions. In the Americas, the Elders found Grandmother Sage. By lighting Grandmother Sage and letting her smoke into our internal and external spaces, which the First Nations call, “smudging,” we literally clear the energy imbalances within and without, and bring our system back to its natural 5:8 ratio of masculine to feminine energy.
I Recommend Smudging
If you are experiencing symptoms of imbalance in your dimensional shift/vibrational increase and cannot go outside bare foot and connect with the Earth, one of the easiest things you can do is smudge. If you are in a business environment, you can always carry a sage clearing spray and spray yourself and the room you are in. Clearing/Smudging with Grandmother Sage is a perfect example of how to live with the energies created by technology, using an Indigenous tool to support your body. This is a great reminder that our bodies are mammals, they are governed by the Laws of Nature. As evolving beings who use these containers for mobility and communication, I feel it is our responsibility to care for our bodies in a natural fashion. So, I highly recommend smudging with Grandmother Sage as a natural mechanism to bring balance back to the body.
I would like to acknowledge http://spiritofold.co.uk for their photo of smudging.