Why Does Smudging Work? With all the transformational energies, openings, and patterns in play, how can we stay in balance? Many of us, especially those, like me, who haven’t always made self-care a priority may have challenges come up. Rebalancing may take the form of “ascension symptoms” like nerve and cell shaking, pain, dizziness, different […]
On Motivation
Holy Spirit Within Shares Insights on Motivation I’ve been watching a former mentor start moving into what the Elders call, “Spiritual Glamour.” That is when a healer/mentor/teacher falls in love with and focuses on increasing fame and fortune, instead of helping the people they are called to help. I have to admit that like many […]
Veterans Day Blessing
God Bless All Who Have Served Our Country As far back as I can remember on November 11, my Dad, a World War II veteran, and my sister and I would face East at 11:00 a.m. and salute our veterans. Apparently, this was the custom from the beginning of the Veterans Day remembrance, and I […]
Update on My Quest to Sleep Better
Ditch the Electronics to Sleep Better A few days ago I posted about Dr. Carolyn Dean’s advice to remove electronics from my sleeping area: http://www.transcendentjourney.com/ditch-electronics-sleep-better/. I told you that as soon as the new receiver arrived, I would have Tolen move my television. It came in the mail today! The above photo is the […]
Ditch the Electronics to Sleep Better
Hate It but It’s Gotta Be Done – I Decided to Ditch the Electronics in My Bedroom About a year ago a website I frequently read connected me with Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. I was so impressed with her work on the effects of magnesium deficiencies and what you can do about them, that […]
Conditioning vs Choice
Blessed by the Dolphins – What Luis and Padme Taught Me about Conditioning vs Choice Yesterday was a red letter day in my Book of Life (I like to call this my Blessings Book, by the way). In the morning we sailed in a real America’s Cup race boat. In the afternoon, I was blessed […]
The Problem with Fighting the Good Fight
The Government Shutdown – Fighting the Good Fight The Government Shutdown is quite a learning opportunity. As I noticed myself judging the Affordable Health Care Act and various behaviors, I realized that my fears and judgments were bubbling up to show me what issues I have not resolved for myself. So, when one of my […]
I’ve spent the last week focusing on self-care, resting and letting my body receive and integrate all the energy and information that came in over the Full Moon and Equinox. In the past, I wouldn’t allow my body to have down time like this. I acted out the World Program that “I was only as […]
Day Two Insight Power Prayer for Animals
My reflection tonight is so profound that I decided to write a post about the insight I had while praying. I feel so humble and grateful for this gift. I’ve been working on providing more wellness experiences for my body, since I realized that as a spiritual being, I am complete and need nothing. It […]
What Is a Transceiver of Inspiration?
I have a new follower on Twitter who doesn’t know “metaphysical jargon” and asked me to explain my 100 word profile. I thought I’d begin by talking about transceiving inspiration. What Does Transceiver Mean? dictionary.com, my go-to resource for words and their meanings, says that a transceiver is: a device which transmits and receives radio […]