The Folly of Judgment for Rock Hounds A good friend who knows you are a rock hound sponsors a trip to go crystal mining in Arkansas. You are so excited because you just know you are going to find the gem of all gems to add to your collection. So, you prepare for the mining […]
The Folly of Judgment
The Folly of Judgment Life is like going to a magnificent buffet. There are hundreds of delicious and attractively presented foods to choose from –appetizers, salads, vegetables, meat, desserts. You can pick your plate up, walk down the line, and choose any dish. If you want to get the most pleasure from your buffet experience, […]
Honoring Divine
Making Sacred Space for Wesak by Honoring Divine Preparing for a ceremony like our journey meditation to the Wesak Valley can make profound shifts in your daily experience. Yet, making sacred space is quite simple. Begin your day by acknowledging the Divine in everyone and everything and continue throughout the day. The practice can be […]
World Service Agreement
Archangel Michael’s Suggestions for your 2014 World Service Agreement One of the traditional activities for Light Workers who participate in the Wesak Full Moon Festival is the offering of a World Service Agreement for the year. Essentially, a World Service Agreement is a statement of commitment to participate in selfless service that furthers the actualization […]
What is Wesak?
Archangel Michael’s Fireside Chat: What is Wesak? I’ve been participating in the Wesak festivities for many years, since I benefit from following natural spiritual cycles, and I had to stop and think where I found the clearest information about Wesak online. Here is where I’d start my research: Alice Bailey early pioneer of theosophy and […]
Spiritual Codependency
Renouncing Spiritual Codependency Warning! This Post Is Not for the Faint of Heart Beloved Children of the Divine, Cosmic Forces are aligning and continue to push Divine’s children toward authenticity and self-empowerment. At times it is not a particularly easy or comfortable journey, since much of mankind was born during the Age of Pisces and […]
Fun with Archangel Michael
Preparing for Archangel Michael’s Fireside Chat – Fun with Archangel Michael! Who says Archangel Michael has no sense of humor? When Tolen and I were smudging and preparing my office for our Fireside Chat, Michael decided we should cut up a bit. Believe it or not, he has a great sense of humor. So, we […]
Archangel Michael’s Fireside Chat
Preparing Sacred Space for Archangel Michael’s Fireside Chat Believe it or not, I normally just don’t “sit down and let her rip,” when I work with Archangel Michael. Even after all these years of working with him, I still give a nod to my Indigenous Lineage by preparing in a beauty way. So, I thought […]
Archangel Michael Fireside Chat April 2014
Full Moon of the Christs – Archangel Michael Fireside Chat April 2014 Greetings to our readers, family, and friends! Archangel Michael Fireside Chat April 2014, in celebration of the Full Moon of the Christs, was pretty amazing. The call certainly prepared everyone for the four blood moons coming in 2014-2015 and cleared up any fear […]
Teleshare45 with Author SuZ
Rev. Melody-Rose Parker of Transcendent Journey to Appear on Teleshare45 with Author SuZ We are pleased to announce that Melody-Rose will be appearing with Author SuZ and friends from SARK’s writing class on her Teleshare45 on Tuesday, April 16, at 8:00 p.m. EDT. Please see more details at: