Every day I welcome dozens of posts and tweets asking for help in finding forever homes for animals in shelters and healing for mankind’s relationship with animals in nature. I do repost as many calls for aid as I can as well as blessings and successes because I do believe that acting is part of the solution to any challenge. But, I’ve found that activism is only half the solution.
So, I would like to share my power prayer for animals and suggest animal advocates spend a few moments every day in this practice. The more of us that participate in the power prayer for animals, the better results our animal brothers and sisters will have. I believe with all my heart in Christ Jesus’s words, “Where two or more are gathered, there will I be also.” Matthew 18:19-20 I have found that miracles occur when we call them in together.
Power Prayer for Animals based
on Lost Mode of Prayer
By the way, I base my power prayer practice on information shared by Gregg Braden in the Lost Mode of Prayer and include Part I of his YouTube presentation to encourage your own research and thinking:
Power Prayer for Animals
- Get comfortable in a distraction free environment. Make sure that you have a glass of good quality water near you.
- If you feel inspired, close your eyes. Otherwise, keep them open. Pay attention to your breathing. Breath is such a gift, and noticing your inhales and exhales with gratitude is a good way to begin a prayer.
- Now, I want you to imagine a joyful, amazing, fulfilling relationship you’ve had with an animal. It could be a much-loved pet. It could be your favorite animal in nature. Just bring a scenario with that animal into your mind.
- Then, I want you to build up your five-senses experience of that relationship. Feel your hand petting that animal. See the fur or skin or shell. Smell the scents all around you. Listen to it purrrrr, bark, tweet…. Taste the joy of connecting with this well-loved animal. Is it sunny where you two are? Or are you cuddled under a blanket, listening to the rain? Build this scene in your imagination. Build the feeling of connection. Build the emotion of joy in this relationship until there is more happiness than you can possible hold on to in your body.
- Then, imagine expanding those feelings and the connection of that relationship into the room you are in.
- Then, expand into the house, apartment, barn, garden, or park you are sitting in. See those feelings and the energy that comes with them expand out into your city, your state, your country, your world.
- See that emotional energy surround all animals in need of care and/or forever homes. You can even focus on specific animals you’ve posted for. Watch the animals bathe in that love, that gratitude, that connection.
- If you lose concentration, go back to the pet or animal you were imagining and build your sense experience again.
- When you feel complete – and I feel the energy bathing the whole animal kingdom around our planet – chant: “Already done. Thank you. Already done. Thank you. Already done. Thank you.” knowing that this love, gratitude, connection, and care will magnetize forever homes, fosters, medical care, and support for animals. Know that others who love animals are praying in the same way and joining you to create exponential miracles for animals around the world.
How the Power Prayer for Animals Works
I first experienced the Power Prayer after the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. I had an internet radio program every Friday night on ACIM Gather, and it happened that the first time we tried the Power Prayer together on my program was after the oil spill. Instead of getting angry with the oil company, experiencing fear over the ocean and the people along the Gulf Coast, we decided to use the Power Prayer. So, we imagined a time when we had fun on the beach, using all our senses. We built up that image, and when we felt we were going to burst from the joy of being near the ocean, we extended the emotional energy of that experience to the Gulf Coast and said, “Thank you. Already done. Thank you. Already done. Thank you. Already done.”
A few days later I received an email from a co-creative science project that worked with balancing microbes. The email shared that a new species of microbe was found in the Gulf Coast and was eating the oil.
Invitation to Participate in
Daily Power Prayer for Animals
My heart is so full of love for the animal kingdom. We have been gifted with companionship from six rescue cats over the years. Their love and support have helped us immeasurably. So, I would like to reciprocate by including this daily practice in my life, and I invite you to join me. Every night before I go to sleep I do the Power Prayer for Animals. I know I will see miracles occur in the lives of animals everywhere, and I feel lucky to see so many victories reported on social media sites.
Referred this practice, including praying over water with the energy generated by the visualization, to a friend whose 17 year old cat was having significant problems last night. She can't post here, but she asked me to share her testimonial:
"I can report that Little Bit started eating more in the afternoon… especially when I poured some of the prayer water in with her food. Today, she has her voice back.. she was hoarse yesterday. She's tiny… like a minature cat. She's the size of a 6 – 9 month old kitten and she's 17. I do not know how long ones like her normally live. She's had bowel trouble for the past 6 months and we've gotten her through some pretty tough problems by adding more oils to her food. However, she pretty much decided to stay outside for the last 3 months. She 'lives' on the kitchen window ledge and walks back and forth making her demands. Last night was the first time she was asleep on the table like she used to be. Her choice… as always."
Folks, this power prayer works. Let's stand with our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom and change things for the better. See you at 10 pm eastern time.
During tonight's prayer, I had feelings of such compassion and love and remembered that HH Dalai Lama said that compassion isn't always sweetnesss and light. I definitely felt the energy around my heart. and a strong desire to communicate to our animal brothers and sisters that they are valued, wanted, and loved. I definitely felt connection all over the world.
I did the prayer at 10:00… yay! I started visualizing my cat, Stranger, from my teen years, then that led me to thinking about Chris, my three-legged cat and how he was so grateful to have a forever home, then I ended up thinking about when I first found my cat, Angel. He greeted me by jumping up on something, putting his paws around my neck, and kissing my behind the ear! So wonderful.
Little Bit, my friend's 17 year old cat, is continuing to improve. Thank you, Infinite Source. My reflections tonight are so profound for me that I will write a separate post.
I love this Melody! Your heart mirrors mine. I saw this post in the WINS AHA group and am glad I came to check it out. Thank you for your loving care towards God's creatures. I take care of a feral cat colony that appeared in the neighborhood and have helped many get adopted, (adopted 3 myself) so I share your passion and mission for what you want to do here. <3
Thanks for leaving a comment. Sending you lots of love and good energy to spread through the cat colony!