My Journey to Become a Spiritual Healer
In retrospect, I know that I was born to be a Spiritual Healer. Every situation I have ever experienced has taught me to be more compassionate, accepting, and allowing. These qualities are key to effectiveness as a Spiritual Healer.
What Is a Spiritual Healer?
From my view and experience, a Spiritual Healer acknowledges that ultimately a connection with one’s Higher Power is essential to healing. At this point, I know that you very well may ask what healing is. After almost 30 years in the field, I would say that healing is different for every client. For some, the disease or injury will be corrected completely (cure). For others, they will learn to be happy despite their condition. Healing for someone who is in severe chronic pain may be an elegant and grace-filled death process. My mentors have encouraged me not to define healing for my clients but to offer spiritual connection in the form of energy transfer, love, acceptance, and allowing. Then, on some level the client will choose what type of healing is appropriate. So, simply a Spiritual Healer is someone who demonstrates the value and power of connection with a Higher Power and shares teachings and techniques with their clients to reinforce this demonstration.
Can You Heal without the Spiritual Component?
I have found that some clients improve or are cured without a Higher Power connection. But, very few remain problem-free without the spiritual component. What this often looks like is that someone will heal from cancer but then have financial problems. Another way I’ve seen this lack of spiritual connection manifest is pain that moves from one place to another but never goes away. It is my strong experience that once a client connects with the God of his/her understanding, the empty void within that disease or injury usually fills is filled with Love. This is Spiritual Healing.
How Did You Learn to Be a Spiritual Healer?
Since the way I transfer energy involves music, chanting, singing,dancing, and drumming, I believe my first teacher was my Mother who was a concert pianist. I inherited the family musical talent and was trained as a singer and dancer from the age of 3. These healing modalities are second nature to me and are very much enjoyed by my clients. We can introduce healing energy into their system through music and movement in a way where they don’t resist their healing.
I received my calling as a Spiritual Healer when I was 35 years old. I had gotten away from the habit of helping people, and my calling came out of left field. Holy people from Tibet, India, and the Indigenous World started appearing as if by coincidence in my life. My adviser at DePaul had been a nun from an order of mystics, and she supported me through this awakening. That was the beginning of my healing journey.
The first healing discipline I learned was Reiki, a hands on healing modality with roots in Japan and Tibet. In Reiki, a Master of the Energy symbolically transfers healing abilities and energies into your energy field. Your hands then become instruments of the Divine, transferring high frequency healing energies to the client. I have been a Reiki Master for over 25 years and specialize in long distance healing.
The paths that Spiritual Healers take are as varied as there are people who want to become healers. I’ve studied hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, consciousness, law of attraction, energy transformation, and so on. I have also received the Medicine Buddha Empowerment from Tibetan Buddhism twice and have had many activations and initiations from various healing and meditation masters. Basically, because my calling came in so late in life and I had no background for it (in my view), I felt I had to strengthen my knowledge base and skill set.
What Advice Would You Give to Someone
Who Wants to Become a Spiritual Healer?
There are two things that I believe have helped me immensely. First, I have always seen the value and connectedness of everything. So, I treat everyone and everything with honor and gratitude as much as I can. Some days I’m better at this than others. That’s when I go out ii my garden and play with my cats. The second thing that I keep in mind is the power of prayer. All prayers are answered in God’s time, and if I stay out of the way and let God deliver the answer to my prayer, I receive my highest good. This is what I teach clients. In fact, I very rarely do prayers of petition any more but acknowledge the perfection of everything with deep gratitude. The grace that comes with this type of prayer creates miracles in my life and in my work.