Encouraging Authenticity

I had the pleasure of attending DragonCon with my best friend and business partner. My reflections on this experience led me to write a post, under my pseudonym QueenBee, for Organic Mountains, Encouraging Authenticity. It’s so on point for what we discuss here, I thought I’d share it with you: http://organicmountains.com/encouraging-authenticity/
Getting Beyond the Ego…

Just Doesn’t Work For years now, I’ve paid a fortune to learn techniques and tools to get all or part of my “rascally ego” to stop “blocking me” from having the life I know I could be living. I’ve applied these tools, taken multiple levels of advanced seminars, read more books, worked more diligently. Guess […]
When You Can’t Accept
What Happens when You Don’t Accept What Is Law of Attraction pretty much is mainstream these days, but most people, even after taking classes or listening to audios, still can’t apply what they’ve learned to increase their point of attraction. What I found is that there were circumstances in my life I just couldn’t accept, […]