You Only Have So Much Time

What Are You Doing with Your Time? I’ve been waiting to write this post until the energy perculated, assimilated, and I had something useful to say. During the last few weeks, when I mostly have been offline, I have reflected quite a bit. I thought I’d share my progress with you. The Factual Situation Two […]
Conditioning vs Choice

Blessed by the Dolphins – What Luis and Padme Taught Me about Conditioning vs Choice Yesterday was a red letter day in my Book of Life (I like to call this my Blessings Book, by the way). In the morning we sailed in a real America’s Cup race boat. In the afternoon, I was blessed […]
Encouraging Authenticity

I had the pleasure of attending DragonCon with my best friend and business partner. My reflections on this experience led me to write a post, under my pseudonym QueenBee, for Organic Mountains, Encouraging Authenticity. It’s so on point for what we discuss here, I thought I’d share it with you:
Are You a Super Hero?

I’ve really enjoyed the trend in movies where film makers have revisioned super hero movies. I especially enjoy Iron Man. He’s so quirky and applies his genius to produce unique out-of-the-box creations. Iron Man really connects with me. Are You a Super Hero in Disguise? We are born into this world fully loaded with all […]
Today’s Question
What if every experience is designed to help you fall more in love with you?
Hair Color – Who Picked Yours?
As we continue to explore whether we are at choice or living on auto pilot, let me ask you, “What color is your hair?” “Is this your natural color?” “How did you pick your hair color?” “Is there a hair color you always wanted to try but did not?” “Why didn’t you try that color?” […]
Life on Auto Pilot
As you may know by reading my Welcome Message, as I transcend limitations on my own spiritual journey and something of interest comes up, I make every effort to share my Journal with readers. For me, this post is opening myself in a way that is more vulnerable and transparent than ever before. But, the […]
Don’t Wait…
You Can’t Count on Tomorrow Last night I received a message from my long time friend, Alice Williams, that her partner, Albert, had had another attack and may be dying. She asked for healing support which we freely gave. Albert transitioned last night at around 9:25 p.m. I came away from this experience with this […]
Habitual Conditioning vs. Authenticity
Habitual Conditioning Robs us of Authenticity What is Habitual Conditioning? We listen to the thought leaders we are trained to value from birth: our parents, older family members, older siblings, teachers, ministers, older community members, political leaders, and eventually supervisors and bosses. The punishment for not living by their rules is extremely painful, everything from […]