Berkeley or Berlin

What Is Happening to Our Youth? The comparison in these photos still haunts me – Berkeley or Berlin? The similarity is even more cutting after I read this article by a woman who lived in Germany during the Nazi Regime: That’s why I’m reprising a post I put on Facebook in the hopes that […]
The Problem with Fighting the Good Fight

The Government Shutdown – Fighting the Good Fight The Government Shutdown is quite a learning opportunity. As I noticed myself judging the Affordable Health Care Act and various behaviors, I realized that my fears and judgments were bubbling up to show me what issues I have not resolved for myself. So, when one of my […]
Practicing Presence

Why I Moved toward Practicing Presence When I first began this leg of my journey, all I wanted to do is escape from feeling forced to make either/or decisions. We had opened a second branch of our business and established a second home in Philadelphia at great expense, believing we were being guided to greater […]