Life Is a Sorting Game You Can Win

We all want to be, do, and have more. But in these uncertain times where fear-based content is broadcast daily, it’s easy to believe that manifesting a more enriching life is almost impossible. What if that is a lie? What if co-creating the life you dream of is easier than you think? If actualizing was […]
The Total Upgrade of Everything

If you are anything like me and are watching daily events, then you ask yourself, “What in the world is happening?” Even better questions are, “How do these circumstances effect my family and me?” and “Is this environment good or bad for me?” These are all valid concerns if you focus on the surface view. […]
Form Reality and Balanced Light Quotient

Let’s talk about the relationship between form reality and a balanced light quotient so that you better understand your current adventure. As I share in almost every class I teach as well as in many posts I’ve written, such as, “Spiritual Propaganda,” the gift of living in a physical universe on a planet in form […]
Choose: Sovereign or Serf

For many years, all the information that has come to me, either through the Seen or the Unseen, has indicated a capstone experience for humanity which ushers in a Planetary Awakening. The time for this climax is upon us, and the United States is the first geographical location where realities coalesce and culminate into two […]
Free to Be Me; Free to Be You

RELAX AND ALLOW – FREE TO BE ME; FREE TO BE YOU I’ve been working on changing my programmed habit of confirming “Either/Or” (exclusion) reality when I’m not aware of my connection to God in All Life. After all I could just as easily create a “Yes/And” (inclusive) reality that I would enjoy more. […]
The Folly of Judgment

The Folly of Judgment Life is like going to a magnificent buffet. There are hundreds of delicious and attractively presented foods to choose from –appetizers, salads, vegetables, meat, desserts. You can pick your plate up, walk down the line, and choose any dish. If you want to get the most pleasure from your buffet experience, […]
Conditioning vs Choice

Blessed by the Dolphins – What Luis and Padme Taught Me about Conditioning vs Choice Yesterday was a red letter day in my Book of Life (I like to call this my Blessings Book, by the way). In the morning we sailed in a real America’s Cup race boat. In the afternoon, I was blessed […]