Lie 2: Finding Your Soul Mate Will Complete You

Let’s talk about why believing that finding your soul mate will complete you is a lie. We all have beliefs that limit our awareness and, therefore, what we can create and experience. People who are in the direct flow of Divine have very few opinions about what is good or bad for them. They, therefore, […]
Myth Buster: Who Is God?

Note: For me there are infinite names for the Divine. So, you will see me use many of them interchangeably (God, Divine, Infinite, Source). Over the years, I have watched spiritually powerful helpers support hundreds of people Yet, they lived in almost abject poverty. Whenever I saw this pattern, I felt both angered and sad. […]
Berkeley or Berlin

What Is Happening to Our Youth? The comparison in these photos still haunts me – Berkeley or Berlin? The similarity is even more cutting after I read this article by a woman who lived in Germany during the Nazi Regime: That’s why I’m reprising a post I put on Facebook in the hopes that […]
Dancing the Energy

Watching the national scene over the last year has been very educational. Some days I’m able to maintain my balance; others not so much. What this chaotic environment has shown me is where I still hold automatic positions. I found that the more “compelled” I feel to defend my position, the more habitual programming is […]
Divine’s Beloved Children

What It Means to Be Divine’s Beloved Children No matter how old we are or our circumstances in life, we are all Divine’s Beloved Children, created out of unconditional love. If we are as alike as I think we are, we often forget this and stop the process of coming into the kingdom (of heaven […]
Mothers Day Hurts

When Living with a Mentally Ill Parent I would like to thank my new Facebook friend, Jake Rothschild of Jake’s Ice Creams & Sorbets, for opening up another level of healing for me today. He courageously posted to Facebook for his friends that have little or no happy memories of Mom to celebrate today. Then, one […]
Truth about Actualization – Messages from Michael

Wendy and Melody-Rose, Archangel Rafael’s and my human counterparts, asked why we chose to rewrite an Actualization Primer as the first step to recreate sections of the sacred libraries which have been lost or hidden from mankind. We simply chose this starting point because being, doing, and having more means so much to you. As […]
Choose Joy

When You Feel Suffering, It’s Time to Choose Joy There are days when I want to chew nails, throw the laptop across the room, then go under the covers and hide. Everyone on the spiritual path has times when problems arise, when there is upset over circumstances, when there is grief and pain. So, if […]