Stop Fighting – You Can’t Win

It’s been awhile since I wrote on the blog. I waited until I was ready to give the messages that I think can help you thrive in this time of rapid, chaotic, and sometimes violent, change. So, my first message is simple – “Stop fighting. You can’t win.” We see evidence of polarity nearly everywhere […]
Correct the Past or Create a New World?

How Are You Going to Spend Your Time? Are You Going to Correct the Past or Create a New World? I’ve been having wonderful conversations with the Archangel Michael. He and Archangels Grace and Faith have been hanging around for the past six months or so. I really appreciate their presence at a time of […]
Creating Heaven on Earth

My Little Piece of Heaven on Earth On my 60th birthday, a friend asked me, “In your heart, what do you care most about?” I sat there silently, and I said that IĀ had always wanted to help animalsĀ in shelters and disabled veterans who are on the Helper Animal Waiting List find each other. I […]