2016 Wesak

Want to Make the Most of the Blessings Available for 2016 Wesak? I did my first Wesak journey meditation over 25 years ago with Rev. Terri Newlon of the Djwhal Khul/Alice Bailey lineage. I was so enraptured by the time I spent with the spiritual shepherds of the Earth (The Buddha, Christ, Djwhal Khul, and […]
What is Wesak?

Archangel Michael’s Fireside Chat: What is Wesak? I’ve been participating in the Wesak festivities for many years, since I benefit from following natural spiritual cycles, and I had to stop and think where I found the clearest information about Wesak online. Here is where I’d start my research: Alice Bailey early pioneer of theosophy and […]
Chanting Mantras

Want to Strengthen Your Divine Connection? Practice Chanting Mantras My body has been in healing mode since the Fall, and whenever I have a bit of time when my body feels great, I start tackling my To Do List with ferocity and passion. Of course, this tires my body out, and I’ve been asking Divine […]