Hacking Daily Rituals

I originally wrote this blog for Dr. Carolyn Dean’s blog. Since we all develop habits, I want to encourage you to choose those habits that support and reinforce your gains. So, I offer you this updated version of the blog, Hacking Daily Rituals. Update of Hacking Daily Rituals Good evening! Melody-Rose here. I’m writing on […]
Choose Joy

When You Feel Suffering, It’s Time to Choose Joy There are days when I want to chew nails, throw the laptop across the room, then go under the covers and hide. Everyone on the spiritual path has times when problems arise, when there is upset over circumstances, when there is grief and pain. So, if […]
Update on My Quest to Sleep Better

Ditch the Electronics to Sleep Better A few days ago I posted about Dr. Carolyn Dean’s advice to remove electronics from my sleeping area: http://www.transcendentjourney.com/ditch-electronics-sleep-better/. I told you that as soon as the new receiver arrived, I would have Tolen move my television. It came in the mail today! The above photo is the […]
Ditch the Electronics to Sleep Better

Hate It but It’s Gotta Be Done – I Decided to Ditch the Electronics in My Bedroom About a year ago a website I frequently read connected me with Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. I was so impressed with her work on the effects of magnesium deficiencies and what you can do about them, that […]