Spiritual Codependency

Renouncing Spiritual Codependency Warning! This Post Is Not for the Faint of Heart Beloved Children of the Divine, Cosmic Forces are aligning and continue to push Divine’s children toward authenticity and self-empowerment. At times it is not a particularly easy or comfortable journey, since much of mankind was born during the Age of Pisces and […]
Correct the Past or Create a New World?

How Are You Going to Spend Your Time? Are You Going to Correct the Past or Create a New World? I’ve been having wonderful conversations with the Archangel Michael. He and Archangels Grace and Faith have been hanging around for the past six months or so. I really appreciate their presence at a time of […]
Stop Retelling Your Story

I had an amazing breakthrough after having a phone conversation with Adam King a few weeks ago. As I listen to Panache’s sacred music and Adam’s Emerge (from Earthbound) this morning, I thought I’d share more about this experience. Why Did You Phone Me? When Adam asked me this one simple question, the reason why […]