Spiritual Propaganda

Every day we hear from both sides of the political fence that we are victims of propaganda and that if we are not careful, we will lose our ability to discern and critically think. But, did you ever stop to consider that this is not just a physical realm challenge? Have you ever contemplated the […]
Do You Want to Be Free?

Everyone wants to be, do, and have more. Everyone wants their loved ones to be, do, and have more. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they experienced. So, what’s stopping you? What’s stopping your loved ones? Do you want to be free? Is the next thing out of your mouth […]
If You Want to Thrive, Do Not Listen to Lies

One of the challenges that makes thriving in these times of chaotic change so difficult is the rate of information thrown at you. Discernment seems tough when opinions fly at you faster and faster, especially since no one agrees about facts or interpretations. But, if you want to be one of the people that not […]
Instead of Marching Take a Stand

Victim or Empowered Creator – Take a Stand I’m on a bit of a rant here. I’ve been watching all the marching, breast beating, and thumping going on these days. I haven’t seen demonstrations on this scale since the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968, during my first job Downtown. I used to buy into […]
The Problem with Fighting the Good Fight

The Government Shutdown – Fighting the Good Fight The Government Shutdown is quite a learning opportunity. As I noticed myself judging the Affordable Health Care Act and various behaviors, I realized that my fears and judgments were bubbling up to show me what issues I have not resolved for myself. So, when one of my […]