The Total Upgrade of Everything

If you are anything like me and are watching daily events, then you ask yourself, “What in the world is happening?” Even better questions are, “How do these circumstances effect my family and me?” and “Is this environment good or bad for me?” These are all valid concerns if you focus on the surface view. […]
My Commitment to My World

I write this post with an understanding that there is a difference between objective reality (God’s reality which we can better view from the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies and higher) and subjective reality (in the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies, where we live every day and experience the polarity play). With this acknowledgement, I am taking […]
Do You Want to Be Free?

Everyone wants to be, do, and have more. Everyone wants their loved ones to be, do, and have more. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they experienced. So, what’s stopping you? What’s stopping your loved ones? Do you want to be free? Is the next thing out of your mouth […]
If You Want to Thrive, Do Not Listen to Lies

One of the challenges that makes thriving in these times of chaotic change so difficult is the rate of information thrown at you. Discernment seems tough when opinions fly at you faster and faster, especially since no one agrees about facts or interpretations. But, if you want to be one of the people that not […]