Choose Joy

When You Feel Suffering, It’s Time to Choose Joy There are days when I want to chew nails, throw the laptop across the room, then go under the covers and hide. Everyone on the spiritual path has times when problems arise, when there is upset over circumstances, when there is grief and pain. So, if […]
On Commitment

Which Commitment Are You Going to Follow – Your Commitment to Yourself or to Others? I’m one of those people who when they make a commitment, it’s written in stone that I will complete the job. I have kept commitments with people long after they were useful or fun. I also have had the habit […]
Correct the Past or Create a New World?

How Are You Going to Spend Your Time? Are You Going to Correct the Past or Create a New World? I’ve been having wonderful conversations with the Archangel Michael. He and Archangels Grace and Faith have been hanging around for the past six months or so. I really appreciate their presence at a time of […]