Do You Want to Be Free?

Everyone wants to be, do, and have more. Everyone wants their loved ones to be, do, and have more. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they experienced. So, what’s stopping you? What’s stopping your loved ones? Do you want to be free? Is the next thing out of your mouth […]
Reality Check

When What I Read Appears Ugly Who Needs the Reality Check? Since social media is a way to reach out to others, I spend some time every day on Facebook, Twitter, and so on. I’ve noticed a trend that is quite upsetting on its face – people saying ugly things about various friend’s grief processes; […]
The Folly of Judgment for Rock Hounds

The Folly of Judgment for Rock Hounds A good friend who knows you are a rock hound sponsors a trip to go crystal mining in Arkansas. You are so excited because you just know you are going to find the gem of all gems to add to your collection. So, you prepare for the mining […]
The Folly of Judgment

The Folly of Judgment Life is like going to a magnificent buffet. There are hundreds of delicious and attractively presented foods to choose from –appetizers, salads, vegetables, meat, desserts. You can pick your plate up, walk down the line, and choose any dish. If you want to get the most pleasure from your buffet experience, […]
On Motivation

Holy Spirit Within Shares Insights on Motivation I’ve been watching a former mentor start moving into what the Elders call, “Spiritual Glamour.” That is when a healer/mentor/teacher falls in love with and focuses on increasing fame and fortune, instead of helping the people they are called to help. I have to admit that like many […]
Encouraging Authenticity

I had the pleasure of attending DragonCon with my best friend and business partner. My reflections on this experience led me to write a post, under my pseudonym QueenBee, for Organic Mountains, Encouraging Authenticity. It’s so on point for what we discuss here, I thought I’d share it with you:
Today’s Question
What if every experience is designed to help you fall more in love with you?
Why Is Law of Attraction Not Working for me?

Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work Most people who attend Law of Attraction workshops are fairly new to the spiritual path. Because of this, they don’t understand that spirituality is a way of being in your life. Too, they feel if they attend a few classes or listen to a few sets of audios/videos, they will […]