Where Do You Focus?

If you are like me, you are still in the process of sorting through your 8:8 Lion’s Gate experience. One of the messages I received during my personal Lion’s Gate experience was: What you focus on remains in your realm of creation. So, I thought I’d share my thoughts as I integrate this information and […]
Free to Be Me; Free to Be You

RELAX AND ALLOW – FREE TO BE ME; FREE TO BE YOU I’ve been working on changing my programmed habit of confirming “Either/Or” (exclusion) reality when I’m not aware of my connection to God in All Life. After all I could just as easily create a “Yes/And” (inclusive) reality that I would enjoy more. […]
Questioning Wrongness of Emotions

Have you ever noticed that most of us spend little time questioning wrongness of emotions. We just assume we know that positive emotions are good, and negative emotions are bad. I’d like to share a conversation that I had in the hope that it will open up some space around this topic for you. I […]
What Is Ascension Like?

Messages from Michael Can You Describe Ascension for Me? This morning I had an interesting conversation with Archangel Michael. There’s been a lot of buzz in the New Age Spiritual Community about new earth vs. old earth, ascension, vibrational increase, etc. I’ve had a Godzillion questions about the Ascension/Shift myself. Melody-Rose: Michael, do we ever […]
When You Can’t Accept
What Happens when You Don’t Accept What Is Law of Attraction pretty much is mainstream these days, but most people, even after taking classes or listening to audios, still can’t apply what they’ve learned to increase their point of attraction. What I found is that there were circumstances in my life I just couldn’t accept, […]