Form Reality and Balanced Light Quotient

Let’s talk about the relationship between form reality and a balanced light quotient so that you better understand your current adventure. As I share in almost every class I teach as well as in many posts I’ve written, such as, “Spiritual Propaganda,” the gift of living in a physical universe on a planet in form […]
Stop Fighting – You Can’t Win

It’s been awhile since I wrote on the blog. I waited until I was ready to give the messages that I think can help you thrive in this time of rapid, chaotic, and sometimes violent, change. So, my first message is simple – “Stop fighting. You can’t win.” We see evidence of polarity nearly everywhere […]
Correcting the Wrongness of You – Does That Make Sense?

I didn’t write much here in 2014. When I was being mentored by SARK, I had grandiose ideas about writing on Transcendent Journey’s blog every day. SARK cautioned me not to play into my inner critic’s possible recriminations if I didn’t write daily. She suggested I just write when my muse inspired me. So, I […]