Spiritual Propaganda

Every day we hear from both sides of the political fence that we are victims of propaganda and that if we are not careful, we will lose our ability to discern and critically think. But, did you ever stop to consider that this is not just a physical realm challenge? Have you ever contemplated the […]
Do You Want to Be Free?

Everyone wants to be, do, and have more. Everyone wants their loved ones to be, do, and have more. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they experienced. So, what’s stopping you? What’s stopping your loved ones? Do you want to be free? Is the next thing out of your mouth […]
Stop Fighting – You Can’t Win

It’s been awhile since I wrote on the blog. I waited until I was ready to give the messages that I think can help you thrive in this time of rapid, chaotic, and sometimes violent, change. So, my first message is simple – “Stop fighting. You can’t win.” We see evidence of polarity nearly everywhere […]
Divine’s Beloved Children

What It Means to Be Divine’s Beloved Children No matter how old we are or our circumstances in life, we are all Divine’s Beloved Children, created out of unconditional love. If we are as alike as I think we are, we often forget this and stop the process of coming into the kingdom (of heaven […]
Sunrise Prayer

Morning Rituals Continued: Infinite Source of All Sources, Thank you for my body, my connection to her, this moment, and this place. I am grateful to be here now praying this prayer of agreement. I AM alive in a time where Mother Earth and all her children are making an evolutionary leap, and my body […]
My Birthday Gift for You

Yesterday was my 63rd birthday, and I feel like I haven’t even begun what I came here to do. It’s a good feeling to know and acknowledge that everything has led me to this point. I am excited about the next leg of my journey and imagine that my body and I will experience even […]
Mothers Day Hurts

When Living with a Mentally Ill Parent I would like to thank my new Facebook friend, Jake Rothschild of Jake’s Ice Creams & Sorbets, for opening up another level of healing for me today. He courageously posted to Facebook for his friends that have little or no happy memories of Mom to celebrate today. Then, one […]
Coming Full Circle

Reclaiming Myself It’s funny how life always comes back full circle. That every relationship, every circumstance continues to point you back to you, to retrieving some part of your uniqueness; to reclaiming your personal energy and focus. So, it’s no great mystery that every Divine connection, revelation, principle, process, and tool that would help […]
Never Give Up; Rising Up from Separation

It looked like a good morning to finish writing my next post on shifting focus from separation into Oneness. But, ya know, some days circumstances just happen. A few weeks ago, I saw this amazing Mexican proverb and asked my BFF to put together a graphic that spoke to the hope of rising up […]
Correcting the Wrongness of You – Does That Make Sense?

I didn’t write much here in 2014. When I was being mentored by SARK, I had grandiose ideas about writing on Transcendent Journey’s blog every day. SARK cautioned me not to play into my inner critic’s possible recriminations if I didn’t write daily. She suggested I just write when my muse inspired me. So, I […]