A Primer on the Word

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light […]
Hacking Daily Rituals

I originally wrote this blog for Dr. Carolyn Dean’s blog. Since we all develop habits, I want to encourage you to choose those habits that support and reinforce your gains. So, I offer you this updated version of the blog, Hacking Daily Rituals. Update of Hacking Daily Rituals Good evening! Melody-Rose here. I’m writing on […]
Ideal Day Exercise

Mental Rehearsal through Journalling – Ideal Day Exercise The Problem with Vision Boards I sent my post on vision boards to members of SARK’s writing group the other day, and one member talked about making a vision board and getting few measurable results. I had a lot of fun responding to her concerns by talking […]
Vision Board

Consider the Possibilities – Vision Board Since I included a photograph of my vision board in my post, Choose Joy, yesterday. I thought I’d talk a bit about vision boards. One of my greatest pleasures is sitting down with magazines and picture books, scissors, library paste, and poster board to create a collage of every […]
Choose Joy

When You Feel Suffering, It’s Time to Choose Joy There are days when I want to chew nails, throw the laptop across the room, then go under the covers and hide. Everyone on the spiritual path has times when problems arise, when there is upset over circumstances, when there is grief and pain. So, if […]