Stop Fighting – You Can’t Win

It’s been awhile since I wrote on the blog. I waited until I was ready to give the messages that I think can help you thrive in this time of rapid, chaotic, and sometimes violent, change. So, my first message is simple – “Stop fighting. You can’t win.” We see evidence of polarity nearly everywhere […]
Message for the Michaels

For Our Soul Family: Message for the Michaels I AM Michael. I come to you as representative of the Michaels, the soul family from which all the Michaels flow. I have come to you before as a spokesperson and messenger, and it is my intention to continue to connect with our soul family as we […]
Correcting the Wrongness of You – Does That Make Sense?

I didn’t write much here in 2014. When I was being mentored by SARK, I had grandiose ideas about writing on Transcendent Journey’s blog every day. SARK cautioned me not to play into my inner critic’s possible recriminations if I didn’t write daily. She suggested I just write when my muse inspired me. So, I […]
The Problem with Fighting the Good Fight

The Government Shutdown – Fighting the Good Fight The Government Shutdown is quite a learning opportunity. As I noticed myself judging the Affordable Health Care Act and various behaviors, I realized that my fears and judgments were bubbling up to show me what issues I have not resolved for myself. So, when one of my […]