Free to Be Me; Free to Be You

RELAX AND ALLOW – FREE TO BE ME; FREE TO BE YOU I’ve been working on changing my programmed habit of confirming “Either/Or” (exclusion) reality when I’m not aware of my connection to God in All Life. After all I could just as easily create a “Yes/And” (inclusive) reality that I would enjoy more. […]
Dancing the Energy

Watching the national scene over the last year has been very educational. Some days I’m able to maintain my balance; others not so much. What this chaotic environment has shown me is where I still hold automatic positions. I found that the more “compelled” I feel to defend my position, the more habitual programming is […]
Instead of Marching Take a Stand

Victim or Empowered Creator – Take a Stand I’m on a bit of a rant here. I’ve been watching all the marching, breast beating, and thumping going on these days. I haven’t seen demonstrations on this scale since the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968, during my first job Downtown. I used to buy into […]
Total Meltdown

Want to Create a Better World? Allow a Total Meltdown After watching the events of the last month, I decided to hang out with a friend from the Michael Soul Family. We had the privilege of talking to one of the Grandmothers of the Michael Council. This week I’ll be writing a few posts about […]