Practicing Presence

Why I Moved toward Practicing Presence When I first began this leg of my journey, all I wanted to do is escape from feeling forced to make either/or decisions. We had opened a second branch of our business and established a second home in Philadelphia at great expense, believing we were being guided to greater […]
Body Awareness – Return to Tessera

In my first post on body awareness, I outlined the first three processes and/or insights that led to breaking through stuckness. In this post I continue by talking about Tessera. Increasing Body Awareness by Returning to Tessera I had done a few webinars with Adam King, Creator of the Tessera Method. I particularly love his […]
What Is Tessera?

On the Edge of Eden – First Visit to My Tessera My Introduction to Adam King, Solfeggios, and Tessera I’ve been listening to Adam King‘s music and solfeggios (sacred frequencies) for about 8 weeks now. I first was introduced to Adam King on You Wealth Revolution. Because he appeared to be a […]
Want Enlightenment? Daily Practice.

Why Should I Develop a Daily Practice? Strengthening your awareness of your connection to Divine is integral to your spiritual growth and development. In fact, that awareness is foundational for shifting from fear to love-based emotions, raising your vibrations, and improving the quality of actualizing your heart’s desire. That is why creating a daily practice […]