Sovereignty and Your Akashic Record

If you have learned nothing else so far in the Transcendent Journey process, please be aware that reality is very plastic. Nothing is written in stone. Your life can always change for the better with a little conscious effort. That is why understanding that Sovereignty and your Akashic Record are connected is so important. As […]
My Commitment to My World

I write this post with an understanding that there is a difference between objective reality (God’s reality which we can better view from the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies and higher) and subjective reality (in the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies, where we live every day and experience the polarity play). With this acknowledgement, I am taking […]
Spiritual Propaganda

Every day we hear from both sides of the political fence that we are victims of propaganda and that if we are not careful, we will lose our ability to discern and critically think. But, did you ever stop to consider that this is not just a physical realm challenge? Have you ever contemplated the […]
Divine’s Beloved Children

What It Means to Be Divine’s Beloved Children No matter how old we are or our circumstances in life, we are all Divine’s Beloved Children, created out of unconditional love. If we are as alike as I think we are, we often forget this and stop the process of coming into the kingdom (of heaven […]
Trust Yourself

The ultimate basis for Universal Law as taught to me by my Elders is quite simple: “Trust Creator. Trust yourself.” Today, I would like to talk about trusting all aspects of self. That’s where we often get into creating from a misunderstanding of the Law and the Truth. We want to be good people; we […]