Vision Board

Consider the Possibilities – Vision Board Since I included a photograph of my vision board in my post, Choose Joy, yesterday. I thought I’d talk a bit about vision boards. One of my greatest pleasures is sitting down with magazines and picture books, scissors, library paste, and poster board to create a collage of every […]
Supporting Fellow Creatives

How Can I Help? – Supporting Fellow Creatives I have had the privilege of participating in Write It Now with SARK, and the way I support fellow creatives changes with my schedule, needs, energy level, etc. For example, the first couple of rounds I spent a lot of time interacting on the Ning group. Then, […]
Marketability over Authenticity?

When Did We Become a Society that Values Marketability over Authenticity? One of my favorite authors lost her husband last year which initiated a branch in her life journey into uncharted territory. During this change, much of her support system disappeared rather inelegantly. So, here she is a very sensitive empath with connections to the […]