Choose Joy

When You Feel Suffering, It’s Time to Choose Joy There are days when I want to chew nails, throw the laptop across the room, then go under the covers and hide. Everyone on the spiritual path has times when problems arise, when there is upset over circumstances, when there is grief and pain. So, if […]
Conditioning vs Choice

Blessed by the Dolphins – What Luis and Padme Taught Me about Conditioning vs Choice Yesterday was a red letter day in my Book of Life (I like to call this my Blessings Book, by the way). In the morning we sailed in a real America’s Cup race boat. In the afternoon, I was blessed […]
When You Can’t Accept
What Happens when You Don’t Accept What Is Law of Attraction pretty much is mainstream these days, but most people, even after taking classes or listening to audios, still can’t apply what they’ve learned to increase their point of attraction. What I found is that there were circumstances in my life I just couldn’t accept, […]