Kerry K, in Your Latest Ascension Video You Could Be Kinder

I watched Kerry K’s latest Ascension Video. Here it is for your viewing pleasure: Here is my honest review. What I Liked Let’s face it! Ascension is confusing. Contradictory viewpoints abound. Who do you believe? What I found is that no one person knows everything. But Kerry K often does a good job of sharing […]
Congruence and Authenticity

In this chaotic world we get conflicting information every day. Who should we trust? How do we discern whether someone is telling us the truth or not? You have “an onboard BS meter” that recognizes congruence and authenticity. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is an amazing example of the difference between […]
A Primer on the Word

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light […]
Voice Dialogue with Your Future Self

The Exercise Time is an organizational tool as you experience physical feedback for the choices you make. It is a benchmark that you can use to see how: committed you are to your choice close a match you are to living that chosen reality and much energy it is going to take for you to […]
The Total Upgrade of Everything

If you are anything like me and are watching daily events, then you ask yourself, “What in the world is happening?” Even better questions are, “How do these circumstances effect my family and me?” and “Is this environment good or bad for me?” These are all valid concerns if you focus on the surface view. […]
Divining through Synchronicity and Discernment

As I was surfing for information resources this morning, I was inspired to watch one of Magenta Pixie‘s latest videos, “Divining through Synchronicity.” In the video she talked about, “bibliomancy.” Essentially, this process is using your intuition to go through an index, reading list, etc. to answer a question you have. Whatever you are inspired […]
Innovation: Key to Success in Uncertain Times

Continuing to share ways to thrive during chaotic times, John Wright of Bee Wild and I both were guided to share how you can be more successful in uncertain times through innovation. John’s willingness to innovate has kept his business successful during a very trying year and is one example of the benefits of innovation […]
My Commitment to My World

I write this post with an understanding that there is a difference between objective reality (God’s reality which we can better view from the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies and higher) and subjective reality (in the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies, where we live every day and experience the polarity play). With this acknowledgement, I am taking […]