The Government Shutdown –
Fighting the Good Fight
The Government Shutdown is quite a learning opportunity. As I noticed myself judging the Affordable Health Care Act and various behaviors, I realized that my fears and judgments were bubbling up to show me what issues I have not resolved for myself. So, when one of my favorite writers who usually embodies the perfect mix of spirituality and objective analysis wrote virulent articles about the Shutdown, I saw how we all could benefit from observing our reactions. In fact, it was upsetting to see such an accomplished journalist be so one-sided, make such harsh judgments, and call the leadership of the house demonic. So, I decided to share my response to his articles on my blog today.
The Problem with Fighting the Good Fight
I read your articles and comments about the behavior of the government over the last couple of days and quite frankly I don’t see how the “dramatic attitude” is going to create more equality and justice, since judging reality as bad and wrong is a low frequency activity. You are free to make this choice. But, you can’t expect to create high frequency solutions, based on compassion, love, and value, with low frequency broadcasts.
As someone who spent decades as a spiritual warrior supporting the Divine Plan, naming, categorizing, and describing in detail an energy gives it more juice. So, it mystifies me that an adept spiritual writer would participate in behavior that will strengthen what he perceives as negative energy and behavior. I would hope that you would want to get beyond duality and work on reality by moving to a frequency above where the problems exist.
I am not saying, “Don’t acknowledge that there are issues.” What I am saying is that if you want to bend reality toward fairness and compassion, then you must focus on where you want the reality to move, not where you assess it currently is. Envisioning God/Goddess in everyone and everything, seeing value in all, celebrating life on earth, seeing people well all over the world, imagining positive effects of affordable health care for users, providers, businesses and so on — these are the foci that will create the world you say you want to live in. There is more power in these prayers of celebration, love, and appreciation, done even by two people, than armies of light workers fighting the battle of good vs. evil. What years of spiritual warfare teach is that no war is worth fighting, when you can move reality beyond the battle.
Duality is set up to remain polarized, because direction is based on either/or choices. There is a 5% margin either way at any point in time, but duality is designed to be 50/50 light to dark. As long as you keep fighting, the most light will win is 55% of the time.
So, my question is “Why bother to fight to “improve” duality when with a positive focus you can align reality with Unity Consciousness, Oneness, and the both/and reality?” You are a very powerful writer and man. So, you can make this shift quite easily, I believe.
To a certain degree, we all want to fight the good fight, to see the “good guys” win and the “bad guys” punished. That is how we are programmed and that is what keeps us in either/or realities. But, there comes a point when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of winning only half the time. Then, in my experience, you’ll start asking questions and look for something beyond duality.
When I first started asking, “Is there something out there better than this?” “Is there something beyond fighting?” “Is there a reality where I can take care of myself and contribute to my calling instead of doing one or the other?”, I began to unbind the shackles that imprisoned me in duality. Did the shift happen all at once? No, every day I free a little more of my authenticity and liberate more unconditional love, compassion, acceptance, and allowance in my life. Am I perfect in my daily practice? No, I choose where I live by being more conscious, even when I realize I’ve gone back into duality by my own choice. When I have this awareness, I can choose again.
It’s just like today. My roommate and I were discussing the complexity of affordable health care. I realized I had several stuck viewpoints and a lot of emotion invested in my opinions. It so reminded me of something Archangel Michael asked me when I began the shift to Unity Consciousness, “Do you want to create what you want or do you want to continue to resist what you don’t want?” To me that question encapsulates the choices we all make. We can either continue to fight the good fight to a draw or move on to Source-Aligned reality where everyone has it all. When I look at situations from this awareness, choosing both/and reality is a “no brainer” for me.