I have a new follower on Twitter who doesn’t know “metaphysical jargon” and asked me to explain my 100 word profile. I thought I’d begin by talking about transceiving inspiration.
What Does Transceiver Mean?
dictionary.com, my go-to resource for words and their meanings, says that a transceiver is:
a device which transmits and receives radio or electronic signals
An example of a transceiver is a computer network. Information is received and then distributed. Basically, a transceiver is a two-way network – incoming and outgoing. A person who transceives information is able to capture data at certain frequencies, step down the frequency to something he/or she can process with at least one of the five senses, translate the frequencies into words, and then broadcast the message.
How I Became a Transceiver of Inspiration
In 1985 I received my spiritual calling as a Divine messenger. I use that term with the utmost respect and honor. Since this gift was given, and not sought after, I was very careful when it came in to make sure that the information shared through me was Divine in origin and served the highest and best for all concerned. Here’s how this happened.
I was a legal assistant in a very high-powered law firm. I often drafted and transcribed hundreds of pages of documents for my boss who was a securities litigator. One day in 1985 when I was working on a brief for the Court of Appeals, I printed the document and proof read it. In the middle of the document, there was about a 13-page message from the Archangel Michael that I didn’t type. I almost passed out from fright, as I had no background for this type of thing. I didn’t know what to do except cut those pages out, save them to another file, and continue with my work.
This pattern continued for weeks, and I was fearing for my sanity when I phoned a friend I knew who meditated. She suggested that I do a weekend workshop with Shakti Gawain who was in town to share her book, Living in the Light. We did that weekend, and Archangel Michael started speaking through me to the groups I was in, although I didn’t know it at the time. When people started hugging me and thanking me, I didn’t know what they were talking about and was quite confused and frightened. Then, I asked Ms. Gawain about what happened, and she said, “Melody, you are a transchannel.”
What Was Transchanneling Like for You?
Let me describe my experience working with Archangel Michael. In the beginning, I would listen to one of Kitaro’s albums which led me into a meditative state. At that point, I felt myself gently pulled backwards in my energy field where I sat and “watched movies” to help me gain structure for my gifts. While I watched educational programming, Archangel Michael would share teachings through my body and answer questions. Initially, I didn’t really know what he said. I just knew that people who listened were healed and helped. Since I prayed to serve God only and people improved their lives with the information, I continued (since I didn’t seem to be able to send the calling back). The scenario I describe is classic transchanneling.
After a few months of this arrangement, I went into meditation and asked Archangel Michael to know what he said so that I could learn more. We agreed that I could sit back and listen. We progressed when I became more knowledgeable in the spiritual field (after much study, research, and reading). I asked for a more empowering arrangement. The next step was the Archangel Michael would give me his message with a 30-second delay in material time. That way I could discern whether I wanted to speak those words or ask questions. When the message felt right to me, I would give it. We then progressed to Archangel Michael sitting next to me on the couch, discussing the subject he wanted me to talk about. If there were additions or corrections, he would offer a more thorough understanding to me, and I would add Archangel Michael’s viewpoint with credit to him. This arrangement continued until I was electrocuted in 1999.
So What Is Your Experience Now?
It took approximately 7 years to come back online after the electrocution. I used each and every gift and alternative piece of information I ever learned to heal my body, since the doctors wrote me and then my mobility off. In 2007 when I decided that I had received so many healing blessings that I wanted to pay it forward to others and did test runs with my gifts, I realized that I no longer was a transchannel but had morphed into being a transceiver.
This is how I experience my relationship with Archangel Michael now. Think of me as a cell tower. All sorts of signals from different sources come into the tower. That’s the receiving part of transceiving. Once I tune out everything but the Archangel Michael signal – and I do get a particular frequency of that signal while others get other frequencies (hence the differences in content) – I translate that signal into words and broadcast that message through my voice. That’s the transmitting part of transceiving. I do have some sense of Archangel Michael’s presence since it’s more comforting and fun for my body to have a personification of Michael to connect to. For example, I often will see his particular energy signature in the room, or I’ll hear “his voice” as if he had one. But, the truth of the matter is that the communication comes in the form of frequencies and the exchange with Michael is energetic. Since I’ve been connecting to Archangel Michael for so many years, it’s kind of like being in a long term marriage. You know your partner and their thinking and language patterns so well, that you can finish their sentences. It’s the same for Michael and me.
Picture credit: Those who favor fire by Imaliea
This is REALLY BIG stuff here. I loved reading your story of this journey.
Denise, I just edited this post a bit to fit my current process. Thought you'd like to check the last paragraph out.